This article сovers the main questions: Why the development of isomorphic applications is getting more and more popular? What is the advantage of a single page application on React JS as compared to other SPA types? How does isomorphic React help create SEO-friendly SPAs? And why do many developers and businesses prefer ? The Old and… Read more“Isomorphic React and SEO: The Benefits of a Single Page App on React JS”
Category: News
Three Traits Every Designer Needs to Create a Great Customer Experience
the three most important traits a designer needs to create great customer experiences. THE ABILITY TO ITERATE…AND ITERATE AGAIN Signs you’re doing it right: A DRIVE FOR DEEP CONNECTION WITH THE CUSTOMER Signs you’re doing it right: BOLDNESS AND CONFIDENCE Signs you’re doing it right: See more in: , Recent… Read more“Three Traits Every Designer Needs to Create a Great Customer Experience”
Learn all the Latest Marketing Buzzwords [VIDEO]
Our “Buzzword Alert!” video series and “Buzzword Barometer” infographic promise to break down marketing’s most popular buzzwords. They’ll also leave you wondering why a raccoon is in charge of the marketing department. Buzzword #1 – Attribution Modeling Attribution modeling is the process of analyzing how various combinations of media and messaging… Read more“Learn all the Latest Marketing Buzzwords [VIDEO]”
Mobile Application Development Process From A to Z
It’s commonly acknowledged that one of the main trends in the world of consumer electronics in the recent years is the course to minimization and mobility. Big and clumsy desktop PC’s are mostly the part of the history nowadays. Probably the only reason for a user to have one of… Read more“Mobile Application Development Process From A to Z”
Learning is the skill that keeps you in the game
Barrie Seppingswordsearch Hot on the heels of the #metoo movement that, thankfully, caught up with the marketing and advertising industries big-time last year, comes a growing awareness of ageism in our industry. Constant voice-of-reason/thorn-in-broken-industry’s-side as a threat not just to individuals (and, in typical fashion, a disproportionately greater threat to… Read more“Learning is the skill that keeps you in the game”
8 Questions To Ask Yourself To Define Your Mobile Strategy For 2016
There are 3 billion people online today and 2 billion people have a smartphone. Experts say, there will be two to three time more smartphones than desktop computors by 2020. So, no wonder many enterpreneurs and startups turn to mobile apps in pursuit to create a market-winning product. Before investing… Read more“8 Questions To Ask Yourself To Define Your Mobile Strategy For 2016”
Dashboard Development and Data Visualization Tools for Effective BI
XB Software Celebrates its 8th Anniversary. Happy Birthday!
turned 8 years old on June, 5 2016. We are happy to have grown as a business both in size and professionally, counting over 100 specialists in web and mobile development, quality assurance, business analysis, marketing and sales, management and administration. We are truly proud to be among the top companies of the High Tech… Read more“XB Software Celebrates its 8th Anniversary. Happy Birthday!”
How to Scale Your Marketing Team for Agile 2.0
With your customers moving faster than ever before, it’s a serious challenge to outpace their expectations and deliver breakthrough experiences. To do this, marketers need to rethink what it means to be agile. While Agile Marketing 1.0 focused mainly on process, Agile Marketing 2.0 focuses on people and creating the… Read more“How to Scale Your Marketing Team for Agile 2.0”
Smart Contracts: Industry Examples and Use Cases for Business
Blockchain Use Cases Advantages of Blockchain Usage How Blockchain Can Improve Existing Technologies applications created to find and rent housing results of clinical trialsmedical field land registriesgovernment documents Smart Contract Use Cases Smart Contracts and Supply Chain and Logistics supply chain Smart Contracts and Insurance Policies insurance policies Smart… Read more“Smart Contracts: Industry Examples and Use Cases for Business”